Dom - i have a cleaner shrimp in the tank. you think they would co-exist?
Brooklyn - thanks for the offer, but i dont think i could fit anymore rock in the tank. if you just want one or two hermits you can have them for free. lmk
I had two monster cleaners and they disappeared. It is hard to say whether it was the CBS or the Octo but not worth taking the chance unless you want all CBS in your tank.
FWIW, I have a big Coral Banded and a little cleaner. Sometime the CBS tries to 'terminate' the cleaner, but the little cleaner is always on top of the situation and scoots away with plenty of time.
they will exist only if there's enough live rock for each to claim i have a cleaner and a banded coral and the most action i ever see between them is when i feed them, the banded coral shrimp almost always runs off the cleaner shrimp but they do co exist
Shrimp is gone! I don't have a lot of live rock in my tank and I have an Octopus so it is more than likely going to be fine. I didn't want to trade him without being up front about the risk.