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Well I've talked my landlady into letting me keep a small nano sized tank, something like a 20gallon tank.
I'm no longer selling most things at this time. I will pm everyone that I had begun making agreements with. Everything that has been greyed out is not for sale. Once I get my tanks ripped down and the smaller tank set up I may sell further things, at which point I'll contact those that had expressed interest in it(in order of 'dibs').

Again, I'm sorry for your wasted time and thanks for understanding.

This story starts with my sisters wedding in the Caymans and ends with me coming back home to a flooded apartment and my landlady below asking me to stop my fishy nonsense. Honestly I can understand her trepidation at having 120g of water in 4 plumbed tanks and 2 plastic garbage cans strung together by a guy that didn't know a thing about PVC before this hobby. 2+ years was a good run; next time I'll have 500g and a dedicated fish room in the basement =)

That said I'm selling off some stuff. I don't have prices for everything yet but they will come. I have to get this process going so I can show my landlady that something is being done.

Pick up is my house, brooklyn, near brooklyn college; at the intersection of foster, flatbush and bedford aves. PLEASE bring your own containers/bags/method of transport. exact change is appreciated, otherwise you might have to go to the corner store =)

1. Reef Crystals 160 gallon (I've used ~2 cup)31$ al0ha
2. Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix 200g (unopened)
3. Seachem De-Nitrate 1.6 kg (Used ~1 cu
p) 27$
4. ~3 gallons crushed coral (was going to make my own base rock) 5$
5. 1 piece of gracilaria 5$
6. red grape algae, a nice sized piece, its been thriving 13$
7. small piece of live rock with 3 growths of
halymenia. also has a big blob of bubble algae which i can easily remove. 13$
8. small blue acro frag on frag plug. had been doing well up to the flood, which it survived. its been over a week since then and is extending its polyps.

Other things that I have to sell but dont yet have prices for are:

9. some snails (astrea, nerites, ceriths and some black ones whose name I no longer remember). I don't know how many I have currently.
Harlem20juan319 dabo765 (sorry dabo, juan pm'ed me about them before you posted about them)

10. 1 showcase piece of live rock, has several growths of halymenia (red leaf algae), a sessile snail like guy that eats using a sticky web, lots of coraline, tufts of of attractive green macro, and some red macro like gracilaria or spikeweed. has lots of small tube worms and such. no signs of nuisance algae. i think its from the pacific but don't remember. this piece has many holes and caves of different sizes, my blenny loved it. its like a ledge or platform. juan319

11. 1 showcase piece of live rock, its from a different area than the one above, it has caulerpa racemosa, lots of nice tube worms, it just started growing halymenia and another red macro like gracilaria or spikeweed. has lots of coraline. its shaped like a pyramid, with lots of tunnels and an open inside. my blenny also loved this one. sadly this piece has bubble algae, which I was always just too lazy to get rid of since i didn't want to move things around. it shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of if you're acquiring it new.

12. 2 med-large sized pieces recently gotten as base rock, which have only begun to show sings of coraline. also have various other pieces of rubble and small-med sized pieces of LR which have various amounts of coraline. al0ha pending prices

13. ~80 lbs (not really sure, I cant remember how much I bought) of live aragonite sand. sand has huge populations of pods, worms, little white star fish, and small snails (all such critters are also found in the cheato I have for free)
al0ha for 40-50lbs

14. ~1g live sump 'mud', originally caribsea. also has some sugarfine aragonite mixed in. it is very 'alive' full of pods, cheato, worms and such. 20$

15. DIY surge device. it is the modified 'flush' type eric b. detailed in his book about corals. it has to be put above the tank its surging into. its a ~10g garbage can with an aquaclear70 driving it. ive used it by putting wood on top of my tank and sitting it on top. (i dont use a canopy but a pendant) i imagine this could be set up more remotely and being plumbed into a display tank.

16. coralife 18w turbo twist UV sterilizer, got it used and replaced the quartz sleeve, never used it because i decided to use ozone instead. the lamp powers on fine but i dont know how old it is.
Sal Crescitelli

17. dual ATO switch from autotopoff.com. works fine as long as its cleaned every about 4 months 30$
daaznmofo DontXtripNfall stchris

18. 1 Compact fluorescent/power compact
retrofit kit, used: 2x96w 25$

19. 1
Compact fluorescent/power compact retrofit kit, brand new: 2x55/6596w 35$

20. large metal halide pendant reflector, good condition, still has protective plastic film on it. can be hung or mounted inside a hood. comes with SE socket. 18 by 19 inches 20$

x2 65w coralife 50/50 PCs, never used, square pin, 45$ (and ill throw in 2 no name lamps) all never used

22. salifert CA test kit; almost unused. exp date 2012
23$ pmoneyt

23. 10g water reservoir: DIY from sterilite garbage can 10"x16"23". has a quick connect float switch bulkhead at the top and a 1/2" right angle bulkhead with hose with ball valve at bottom. also comes with lots of clear rodi tubing 20$

24. aqua clear 70 powerhead, fairly new 14$

25. DIY skimmer with modified pinwheel aquaclear 70 powerhead (pic and dimensions coming) 17$

26. egg crate: 22" by 24", theres a little more than that, its sort of L shaped. its dusty and has been behind my fridge for quite some time. 3$


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Advanced Reefer
Midtown - East
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Sorry to hear your breaking down, Bkreefsman said you had fuge mud, could i have sum for my featherduster to make a new tube out of?.. its currently in a tube of cheato in my sump and i would like to return it to the main display, i'd like the auto top off pending price
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Pick up is my house, brooklyn, near brooklyn college; at the intersection of foster, flatbush and bedford aves.

dual ATO switch is 30$, offered in order to:

Harlem20: I'll have to find and count them all but you've got dibs.
i'd be happy to give you some sump mud, im not sure how much your worm needs. its the carabsea mineral mud, i dont know how fine you need it to be. i also have plenty of sugar grain aragonite sand.

sorry for replying to everyone like this but its just easier for me.


Advanced Reefer
Toms River, NJ
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Ill take the:
red grape algae, a nice sized piece, its been thriving 13$
the cheato I have for free
small blue acro frag on frag plug. had been doing well up to the flood, which it survived. its been over a week since then and is extending its polyps. 15$


Tired Member
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Well good news everyone, I've talked my landlady into letting me keep a nano sized tank. This means I won't be getting rid of most of what I put up for sale (good for me, annoying for you).

I'm really sorry for wasting everyones time.

I'm going to figure out what I'm still going to sell and PM everyone that I had made agreements with.

Again, sorry for the time wasted and thanks for your understanding.

fernandokng: the flood happened because I didn't clean my ATO often enough. With this type of ATO its really necessary to clean it often and also put it on a digital timer.

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