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Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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Price reduced - $275, forgot to mention, live sand comes with the tank also.

I'm consolidating my two tanks into one. Work, two dogs, a koi pond, and two tanks proved to be a bit too much for me. So I will have available an established 75G setup for sale which includes:
- 1 overflow box (2 1'' drain)
- 75G AGA Non reef ready, good shape
- Cherry color stand, good shape,
- Rio 2100 return pump,
- a SeaClone skimmer,
- a 20G, 3 sections sum/refugium with Chaeto .
- Plumbing, etc.

All you'd need is some live rock (I'll have at least 50 lb after the consolidation), water (You can reuse some of mine) and fish, I'm looking to sell for $300, I haven't started moving the corals, fish to my 90 G yet. So the tank is still running. If you're somewhere near and want to check it out, pm me to arrange the time.

I'll post some pictures tonight.





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Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
Rating - 100%
10   0   0
Pix uploaded. Please note things included for sale are as listed in the first post and does not include the 2 Koralia 3 and the live rock nor the live stocks. I need to move consolidate them to the other 90G, after that I should have at least 50 lb for sale.

The tank is disease free, no copper used, the fish were quarantine in another tank for 1.5 months before moving in there.

Martindrknss, thanks for being interested, PM me, I'll give you my address. I'm only minutes from the Giant Stadium.


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