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ok so this will include:
Tank: 125 diy overflows RR, back painted blue
Stand pine aga
sump: 30 gallon
Live rock: I will give the trader whatever extra rock, probably some 50 lbs or so
Skimmer: oct 160 PERHAPS, depending on what you have w/ your setup
Lights: 2 36" aquatrader t5 lights, w geismann bulbs (looks great)
Return pump: MAG 9.5

Your setup should include all the same, and since im downgrading and giving alot Id like a nice tank in return, especially since I am including a lot of pricey rock...PIC will come, but first lets here what you have


Advanced Reefer
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here is an old pic, but you can see the lighting and the way the overflows are...I have since added alot of live rock, so I would throw in a bunch of rock as well as other stuff. Please only offer a quality smaller tank. This means;

-No metal stands
-Good condition

I am asking for a quality tank because I am throwing in hundreds of dollars in rock for an even trade so do not want a mediocre smaller tank.

Please have a pic

Thanks all


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