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well since i kinda got screwed and someone told me they were picking up stuff and now there not..i have no choice to do this so i have 40 lbs of live rock i have 2 bubble tip aneomne i have a small toad stool coral i ahve a large kurani(used) power head...everything togther for only low low price of $100....
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Guys!!! This guys is a crook,,,i bought everything from him ,,he stated that he had big pieces and regular pieces. The rock i got from him ,,most of pieces werent even bigger then the size if a baseball. There were 3 regular sized pieces and everything else is small. The way i even bought them was shady ,,i couldnt see anything bc it was wrapped in newspaper in a bucket. Mind u he made me meet him in mcdonalds parking lot. The enemomes were completly bleached out ,,and the size of a half dollar. The muchroom u must have ripped off the rock bc there is no stem on him. There was not no 40lbs of rock ,,i iweighed in on my scale and it came to 28-29 lbs. The powerhead he gave was a old koralia#3 not even a evolution, he stated that he just bought it recently for 75 bucks meanwhile they sell for 40 bucks online..im very unhappy and everytime i try to call him he doesnt respond. Then he tried to scare me by sayin he is a officer in the city. When i proceeded to ask him where he got all defensive sayin none of my business. Gave me the run around ,,and now he isnt answering his phone or texts,,,,,,,dont do business with him ,,he is a crook,,,worst 80 bucks i spent. First he said he would take it back ,,and now he is being a a**hole

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Wow bigdog I feel bad dude he try to sell me that and I was like nah for get it ...and he went koi koi like I owed him and ****....I didn't say nothing cause last time I got screwed and said something the post was deleted :-(

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Advanced Reefer
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He said he was goin to return my money ,, and then bullshitted me ,, u knew what he was doin,, he was lookin to screw somone bc he couldn't take care of it

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