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  1. camera

    whats the perfect camera that takes clear shots with the blue lights on with LED's? When I use my phone or my other camera the blue blurs out. The white and the white/blue only comes out clear.. thanks. Let me know
  2. Yellow tang not eating

    theres nothing wrong with a small yellow tang in a 57..
  3. Protein Skimmer

    can u send me a link this way i can see the specs thanks
  4. Reef Octopus Protein Skimmer

    How is the Reef Octopus protein skimmer? I have a 57 gallon tank. It has a 4" pinwheel Does up to 100 gallons. Here is a link for all the specs http://www.tbaquatics.com/reef-octopus-4-pinwheel-skimmer-nwb110-1199.html Let me know Thanks
  5. Protein Skimmer

    is it good?
  6. Protein Skimmer

    What is the best protein skimmer around $150-$200? It is for a 57 gallon rimless with a 20 gallon sump. I would like a skimmer that can do more than just what I have, just in case I upgrade to a bigger tank.. thanks
  7. Yellow tang not eating

    yes the yellow tang is picking off the live rock and the rock of the coral.. let me know if you guys have any more ideas. thanks
  8. Yellow tang not eating

    no not yet if the yellow tang does not pick off the lettuce tonight I will try flake food. thanks
  9. Yellow tang not eating

    i got the yellow tang from fish town. I saw he was eating romaine lettuce, so im going to try that tonight when i feed my tank. He wouldnt eat the mysis shrimp. The tank is the deep blue 57 rimless. The yellow tang is with 4 chromis and a small fairy wrasse.. As you can tell I dont like fish...
  10. Wtb: 125 gallon tank, stand and canopy

    it doesnt have to have a canopy, I can always get one.
  11. Wtb: 125 gallon tank, stand and canopy

    I want to buy a 125 gallon tank. Black stand and matching black canopy. I neeed it in imaculate condition. Pm me with price and what you have. Thanks
  12. Yellow tang not eating

    Hey guys I need some help As you can see in the title my yellow tang is not eating. I had him for a week and half and nothing. Wont eat mysis shrimp and the garlic sea weed. Any suggestions? thanks
  13. Wtb: Superman scoly or bleeding apple

    Pm me if you have a superman scoly or bleeding apple. Let me know the price. In long island over 3" thanks
  14. 125G RR, Modern Series Stand + Canopy

    what a great deal wish i needed it!
  15. 30+ head frogspawn $220

    is that aussi or indo?
  16. Wtb:premium snowflake clownfish

    you mean by aussiecrazy?
  17. 120 gallon tank RR tank stand and canopy

    120 gallon tank reef ready comes with tank stand and canopy (custom) tank is a AGA $400 firm pm me your email or phone number for questions
  18. Wtb:premium snowflake clownfish

    Wtb premium snowflake clowns(pair) must be adults pm me with pics thanks
  19. Wtb: Superman scoly

    Wtb superman scoly if you want to sell one send me a pm and a pic thanks
  20. water changes

    i have a 57 gallon with a 20 gallon sump and i do 10 gallon water changes. should i do a water change every week or every 2 weeks? thanks
