whats the perfect camera that takes clear shots with the blue lights on with LED's?
When I use my phone or my other camera the blue blurs out. The white and the white/blue only comes out clear..
thanks. Let me know
How is the Reef Octopus protein skimmer?
I have a 57 gallon tank.
It has a 4" pinwheel
Does up to 100 gallons.
Here is a link for all the specs
Let me know
What is the best protein skimmer around $150-$200?
It is for a 57 gallon rimless with a 20 gallon sump.
I would like a skimmer that can do more than just what I have, just in case I upgrade to a bigger tank..
i got the yellow tang from fish town. I saw he was eating romaine lettuce, so im going to try that tonight when i feed my tank. He wouldnt eat the mysis shrimp.
The tank is the deep blue 57 rimless. The yellow tang is with 4 chromis and a small fairy wrasse.. As you can tell I dont like fish...
Hey guys I need some help
As you can see in the title my yellow tang is not eating.
I had him for a week and half and nothing.
Wont eat mysis shrimp and the garlic sea weed.
Any suggestions?