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  1. Need help with Scroll Coral

    Thanks, Dobish. The coral is actually an Oxypora sp. but I think your suggestion is a good one. I currently have the "pieces " wedged into crevices in the rock. If they don't stay put I will try the super glue.
  2. Low Light / Beginner Coral suggestions??

    I would recommend a Finger Leather and/or Star Polyps. As for the Gorgonian, as long as it is photosynthetic you should be o.k. Good luck!
  3. Need help with Scroll Coral

    I just received a damaged Scroll Coral. the "plates" are broken into half-dollar sized pieces. What is the best way to try to salvage this guy?
  4. Background material on inside of tank.

    I was thinking of using black background material to cover my clear overflow box. This would require the background being inside of the tank. Anyone have any idea if there is any risk in doing this? Thanks.
  5. HELP!!! my tank is crashing

    I would suggest that in addition to the carbon and water changes you try a poly-filter. This will help to further reduce any toxins that may be in the tank.
  6. tankmates for tang

    How about a Dottyback?
  7. Starfish arm- it's alive!

    It's been a couple of month's. I too was under the impression that you needed to get part of the disk to get regeneration, but the longer he keeps creeping around, the odder it seems.
  8. newbie needs help!!! please reply!!

    Sorry, but Skilter= doo-doo. If you want to use a skimmer, A CPR Bak-pak would be a good choice. Good luck and enjoy.
  9. Starfish arm- it's alive!

    I got a Burgundy Linckia a few month's ago and when 1 of the arms was damaged, I cut away the bad arm and after dealing with the affected area, put the Star and remnants of the arm back in the tank. Lo and behold, here it is a good bit of time later and the arm is still crawling around the...
  10. Mystery help everything is dying 1000's already lost

    First, remove those "white, floaty things" ASAP! The water change was a good idea and you may want to change more. Carbon and a polyfilter may help to remove more of the toxin, whatever it is. Good luck and keep us posted.
  11. Sick Fish HELP!

    It may be too late for the hosp. tank. You likely have introduced some form of pathogen onto your tank with the 2 Clowns and now that is in there, the whole tank will have to be treated to get rid of it. At this point, I'm afraid all you can do is watch for any more symptoms and treat...
  12. Sick Fish HELP!

    Hard to say what the trouble is from what you posted, but a large -maybe 50%- water change would be a good place to start. If something toxic got into the tank carbon and/or a polyfilter may help as well. Are the fish showing any other symptoms?
  13. Censorship at Reef Central

    I found the answer to my own question. Apparently the powers that be at R.C. were threatened with legal action if they did not pull the aforementioned controversial thread. Sad that we can't exchange our good/bad experiences with our suppliers without this kind of reaction.
  14. Censorship at Reef Central

    Steve- I have no idea what happened. I own a seasonal business and have no time to visit the various boards from May-Oct so maybe I was re-registered last Nov. My post count of 17/19 sounds about right since I have not been posting much since I came back.
  15. Approximate price of 72 Bow , 90 bow or 90 rectangle?

    I was at a store the other day that had an AGA 90 for $229. The stand was @$160 I think.
  16. Censorship at Reef Central

    The thread was in the Vendor Forum and was started by an aquarist who wanted to thank Dr. Mac and Son's for their quality products and service but it degenerated into a slugfest involving, among other folks, Dr. Mac himself. The gist of the discussion was the tank being greatly...
  17. Censorship at Reef Central

    Did anyone else notice the mod.'s at R.C. deleted a thread that was critical of one of their sponsors. I found this troubling, as these forums are supposed to be arenas for exchanging ideas and opinions, good and bad. Geez, what is the world coming to!
  18. Powder Blue Tang - Is LFS advice correct?

    Naesco- I actually have had a few experiences with talking with LFS employees. Some successful, some not. The store I was referring to tried to sell me a Mimic Tang for my 15 gal. mini-reef. When I explained to the guy (who happened to be in charge of their fish dept.) that this would...
  19. Stop the hypocrisy

    Skylsdale- Having read many books and mag.'s, I agree that the info gleaned fromm them can be misleading at times and downright unethical at others but.. there has to be some form of authority that the average hobbyist can refer to and most books seem to be fairly accurate, for the most part...
  20. Are Mythrix Crabs fish eaters?

    I've had them in my tanks for a year or 2 and had no problems. Good luck.
