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Advanced Reefer
bergen county
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Hey guys im in the process of setting up a 40 breeder. I got it drilled and have a 30 gallon refugium with a mag 9.5 as the return. Lighting I have the deep blue solarextreme. It's 4x39w t5 with 6 moonlights. Im ordering my skimmer soon reef octopus xs 160. Its rated up to 160 gallons. I am also about to buy an mp40w es. Is all this equipment enough to have a full blown sps tank. I've kept lps n softies n I wana take the plunge n do sps. I also plan on having no substrate. Any tips suggestions would be great. Thanks

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Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Ur return might be a bit too much for a 40 breeder I run a 700 gph on my 75 and it's plenty I think the bare bottom is great idea for sps but make sure u get quality live rock! Also for sps u will be better off with a 6 bulb fixture not sure if 4 bulb will give u color or growth u want! Mp40 is defintly great Another idea might be 2 mp 10s one on each side. Also Maybe not right away but eventually u will need to dose to keep levels up Something to research!


Advanced Reefer
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9.5 is good just put a pressure release. Id personally scratch the octo skimmer. And go with a downdraft skimmer and run it off ur mag pump. Keeping costs and heat down are big things to keep in mind
And +1 on the 2 mp10's. Lighting id say get a 120w led and call it a day. Just my 2cents hope it helped. Any ?'s feel free to pm me



Aspiring Reefer
Long Island
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Not that I'm an sps guy by any stretch, I think that big of a skimmer may give some grief. I had a 46g tank with a skimmer for a much bigger tank and it was a real pita to get working, it would either skim too wet or not at all..there just wasn't enough gunk for it. It wasn't the same skimmer, it was a Bermuda bps3c. It was nothing but headaches.


Aspiring Reefer
Long Island
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Supposedly, I'm just relaying my exp with an oversized skimmer on a small tank. My "thinking" was that the bigger skimmer would let me keep whatever I wanted and give
Me overkill filtration. It could have been too big..idk. I'm setting up a 90 now with the same skimmer. So we'll see.

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