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Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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ok il hold off on that, never caused a problem in my old tank but at this point im willing to try anything. thought stirring it would be like having a goby but without getting the sand everywhere and thought would keep it from building up detritus and nitrates and phosphates

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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did another 30 g water change and the test came out to 1ppm without it having to be diluted, i figure another water change or 2 should make it about perfect. still dont know where they came from, i dont think stirring my sand could have raised the nitrates that much its not like there is a ton of dirt that comes out when i do it theres only a few small fish in the tank so it doesnt even get fed that much even when i did have more fish
3 blue eye cardinal
1 picasso perc
black leopard
cleaner wrasse
male lyretail- his mate died

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