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Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
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Hello fellow reefers,
BACKGROUND INFO- I have been "cooking" some pieces of live rock for about 2-3 months now and set up a new tank and added live sand, the rock and properly mixed reef crystals. This was july 3rd. I have a larger tank that was holding some nice frags of sps corals that I think were starving to death because I never seen the polyp extension they showed at the store/booth.
The morning of July 4th I noticed that 2 of my frags (which were very small) lost their skin. I dipped them before I put them in my tank.
Nervous I decided to re dip the remaining frags and place them into my new tank. I dont know if this makes a difference but it is being light with T5-HO and I have the same polyp exstension that I saw when I first got them and as of tonight before work they looked like they were "healthier" in only 3 days. The tank showing no polyp extension was Kessil a350w.
What should I do? Im not expecting any die off from the rock and the sand is very shallow. No Skimmer installed yet. WHat should I do? THis is way ahead of schedule but my frags seem to be enjoying the new tank better than the main mature tank!?


Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
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Thanks,, what I'm scared of is that phase where my tanks builds that biological filter from an ammonia source breaking down,, is like the water's steril except for the live sand and 1 of the rock was in my main tank


Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
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Words to live by, in reefing and in broader context.

What about lighting? Were the Kessils too strong in the older tank?

I never got the chance to use a par meter, but I did try every combo of lighting for at least 2 weeks at a time with no luck. My lps and clams are happy,, which I thought happy clams=successful sps, but not in my case. Out of 12 sps,, 2 mille skin went away within a day off noticing it and 2 acro same story but all 12 didn't have the polyp extension already present in their new house. Also, when I first started stocking this tank I got a deep water acro a little bigger than my fist and note that too has polyp extension. Is it possible I starved these guys or not enough light? Basically all other tests are identical.


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It looks like the conditions are better in the T5 lit tank. You can't really starve acros unless you leave them in the dark for a very long time. Many people never feed their SPS and they do just fine for years. Kessils are pretty weak lighting so I wouldn't worry about that being the problem.


Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
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Thanks everybody for the advice,,, what I left out, is that I manually dose my alk, mag and calcium and this could've been from alk swings. I test every 4 to 5 days and with a265 gal tank I find myself adding 80-100ml of alk all at once.


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Most likely water perimeters swinging than lighting.

Although, to keep switching any one thing around constantly, being light, elements / inconsistent dosing , etc...., does cause instability.


Advanced Reefer
Brewster, NY
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UPDATE: I dipped all my frags in Coral RX in case of a pest problem,, killed some pods and a few baby bristles... 3 types of Birdsnest,a tort, a deepwater acro, a red planet and 2 acro I forgot names survived. the skin to 2 different millepora and the rest of the acro peeled right off and flew away by the morning. even though a lot are skinless and white or a weird shade of light green Im keeping them in there because my first sps frag 3 months ago I got at a swap turned white when I got it home and now is a bright yellow. Now I need to buy a doser. This tank is 80 gallons...any suggestions?


Advanced Reefer
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Sometimes less is more.
Try and just leave them alone for a bit, let them adjust. Moving around and continuous dipping may stress them more.

It's totally fine to manually dose, I just suggest, if you do, then do it more often and consistent rather than once a week or all at once, that can be the cause of small spikes.

Fyi- I'm just using a jabeo DP-4 doser, but I don't have anywhere near the demand you do / will have.

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