No. I would confirm first that you have AEFW, and if confirmed, give a dip. I have STN on one of my larger pieces, but I think it's an LED issue in my case, not AEFW, because I have done intense study of the colony and have yet to see any flatworms or indications of their (or other pests) presence.
For what it's worth, while Bayer sounds bad (and can be!), most corals have NO issues. You'll probably run more risk dipping with revive than with bayer. Most of the reports on Reefcentral have been overwhelmingly positive, which is surprising considering how everyone is using it to dip everything these days, and often with overdosed dips. Most SPS (mine included) have PE within minutes of coming out of the dip, and are ready to go quicker than any other dip I've done in the past.
I have been using a flashlight and magnifying glass, or sometimes my camera and a macro (and macro + extension tube) to really scour my corals for any sign of AEFW, bites or worms themselves, and haven't found any, despite one of my corals having STN on the bottom (while still growing nicely and healthy on top).