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I want to make a prop tank.I was wondering what the best size for a prop tank would be,33,25 or a 40 gallon that is 12" high. I will put sand on the bottom of the tank how deep should the sand be i was thinking 4".Is there a reason for elevating the frags off the sand with eggcrate or is it just for light.



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I like the dimensions of the 40 breeder tank. I use eggcrate for the reasons mac states. I keep my dsb in a seperate refugium attached to the prop tank by a common sump. That's because I like to run very large water flows in my sps prop tank. If you aren't talking about fraging corals that require high water movement then there are no worries. Otherwise, plan carefully and keep in mind the implications of high water movement with an oolitic sand bed in a shallow tank.


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I like both the 30 and 40 gallon AGA breeders for prop tanks.

30 g is 36 X 18 X 12
40 g is 36 X 18 X 16

I use egg crate in "steps" to keep the frags in better order and closer to the light. I run 4"+ dsb's in al the frag tanks



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I make the bases using carib-sea aragonite, portalnd cement and sometimes a little southdown sand. mix with a little water - pour into bathroom size dixie cups. I let them set for a few days and then I cure them for a few months.....


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I think the eggcrate is mostly for light and current reasons, but don't forget a sandbed provides more than just height ;-). Think of the filtration capabilities, as well as the infauna and other critters that will provide planktonic food for your frags, as they try to grow...

- Mac

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