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Sorry to say that I have seem many RTNs. But yours is different. Can't see the polyps well, but by any chance that the whitish area is shaded by anything? It is normal for colored M. digitata to be whitish near the base and area of shade. But your picture seems to indicate that it is well lit...


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It looks to me also like it was stung. Montipora are pretty resilient so I bet it will recover just fine if the environment is OK.


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What color is your frag? It looks red in the photo. Where did you get the frag?

I wouldn't worry about it. My monti frags have spots that look similar.



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No, certainly not RTN.

Looks more like the patch was pressed by something causing the polyp to retract.
Give it some time and it should recover nicely.

If its RTN, you will see the tissues peeling off from the skeleton.
If you sweep the water gently against it, the tissue will come off very easily.

Sue Truett

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This digitata looks orange to me. I have not seen a true red digitata although it may be out there. RTN is something that will sure happen fast, tissue will peel off the skelton in no time flat. I also think this looks like it may have been stung or just layed on the side and the tissue is just getting over being flattened. This coral should come back good for you.

my 180 ecosystem sps/clam tank:
my 120 ecosystem sps tank:

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