hI aLL, iVE HAD A BIRDSNEST COLONY IN MY TANK FOR SEVERAL MONTHS DOING FINE.aLL OF THE SUDDEN WHITE BARE TO THE SKELETON WAS SHOWING UP FROM MOSTLY THE BASE OF SEVERAL BRANCHES .tHERE WERE A FEW PATCHES OF WHITE UP NEAR THE TIPS.I thought it was predation from my pygmy angel.Then I thought it was bleaching but these proved wrong.I read E Bornemans book on diseases and nothing really matched up other than that something was really bohering it each day or night.Today I looked real close and down near the base of one trunk there was a dark almost black patch with a small hole in the middle.The hole was opening and closing and there was something like a worm in it!!I thought of the tree borers.Immediately I took out the coral and squirted with a syringe some Kalk and Iodine into the hole.When I put it in the water I saw lots of micro bubbles coming from the hole(maybe I got him!)Then I broke up the colony and placed the frags in various places in the tank.I will write back in a week if theres improvement on them.Anyone else have this happen?