At present I have a 250 watt HQI on my 90 gallon corner unit. I also have a dual chamber calcium reactor, however I am only experiencing moderate growth with my SPS. I have 4 different montipora caps (green, green purple rim, red, orange) with a few other acros. These monitporas are rumored to grow like weeds yet mine have not really taken off at all.
I am thinking of upgrading my lighting to dual 400 watt Radiums. I have a few questions that need some answers:
(1) Radiums run on HQI ballast or Pulse Start ballast? I have been told that they run closer to specs on HQI ballasts but also can fire on Pusle Starts.
(2) which of the following would be recommended as a good ballast:
PFO Lighting dual 400 watt,
Sun Systems Blue Wave II MH 400 watt
(they say they are available as pulse start)
Could someone please recommend a good ballast alternative?
I have also considered just adding a single 400watt Radium to the 250 HQI that is already on my tank. What would be the draw backs of just adding one 400 Radium? Would 2X400 watt Radiums be to much lighting for a 90 gallon or would the 250 +400 combo be more that enough to stimulate some growth?
I am thinking of upgrading my lighting to dual 400 watt Radiums. I have a few questions that need some answers:
(1) Radiums run on HQI ballast or Pulse Start ballast? I have been told that they run closer to specs on HQI ballasts but also can fire on Pusle Starts.
(2) which of the following would be recommended as a good ballast:
PFO Lighting dual 400 watt,
Sun Systems Blue Wave II MH 400 watt
(they say they are available as pulse start)
Could someone please recommend a good ballast alternative?
I have also considered just adding a single 400watt Radium to the 250 HQI that is already on my tank. What would be the draw backs of just adding one 400 Radium? Would 2X400 watt Radiums be to much lighting for a 90 gallon or would the 250 +400 combo be more that enough to stimulate some growth?