If you plan on growing out micromussa sp., is it best to place them on the sandbed? I guess the question is, will they form their own base as they grow or require something to encrust over?
I would imagine any coral that uses encrusting as a growth form would do better if they had something to encrust onto. Being on a sandbed, they may extend out a few corallites but it would end up being thin plates easily broken off.
Oh, please...you can take pics of that stupid Powder Blue, but not all your cool corals? Something's up here, folks...I'll be he doesn't even HAVE a tank. Those pics are all from Nico's tank.
Mine are mounted to small rocks for plugs, but they're growing quickly and some of them are running out of real estate. I'll probably buy a rock, crush it into pieces, and lay the micromussa frags on the rubble and let them grow over.
I agree...one of my newer acquisitions keeps sliding off the rubble I have it placed on, and it's the only unmounted frag I have. It'll be mounted tonight, that's for sure.
My micromussa frags are secured/glued onto rubble rock or plugs right now. They're just growing to the edges of their original mounting pieces though, so I either have to let it grow out on its own (form its own base), let it grow on to a big piece of rock (not an attractive idea to me when it comes time to frag), or place other small rocks around it for it to grow onto.
Len, my Cyphastrea ocellina from Atlantis is now long gone (lost it a few moves ago), but I did mount that one twice as it outgrew its first plug. Most encrusting corals you can mount as they grow, so I couldn't worry too much about it as long as it's mounted to begin with.