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Hello everyone, what Sump would you recommend for a 150 gallon SPS Aquarium?
How much space do you have in your cabinet or stand? What is the largest footprint that your cabinet or stand will accept? Will you be running an internal or external skimmer? Same question applies to your return pump internal or external? Just a few questions that you may be able to answer to help someone trying to pick a sump for you.
Good Luck :biggrin:
jason i have a 50 gallon that would prob. be really good for ur tank.
its got i think 5 baffles and a spot for a skimmer and a refugium/holding area if you want.
$ 35.00
the pic is in my 120 gallon tank thread. its 4 feet long
Jason, here is the sump that Custom King built for my 210 SPS build, its pretty sweet
Jason..keep in mind that many folks drop the sump down through the opening in the top of the stand prior to putting the DT on the stand, so you may be able to fit one in that is larger than one you can squeeze through the door.
Some other folks cut a 'side' door into the end of their stand so they can remove the sump in the future if they need to.
Just some added options for you