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Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
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I'll post photos below of a bunch of different corals I can bring to the frag swap. Additional photos of stuff that I might have, but might not be of as much interest is on the web site that showcases my tanks. www.greghiller.com. I may continue to add to the photos on this thread up until the meeting, so check this thread once in a while.

If you are interested in any of my stuff please shoot me an email at corals (at] greg hiller dotttt com (remove all the spaces, etc.). While I might bring a few extra things with me, for the most part I'll only be bringing frags that are pre-arranged for.

If you have a problem with the email address you can PM me here as well. I'll list prices, but if you have something really cool to swap I'm open to that as well (particularly colorful LPS or chalices, please no micro frags though!!!). I'm pretty leary about swaps (coming my way) of Acropora or Montipora though as my systems are clean and I know a lot of parasites are going around.

Please ask other MR folks that got my stuff the last time. As far as I know everyone was pleased with the corals they got from me. For anyone that had a problem, let me know and I'll try and bring another frag of whatever it was. My stuff is clean, and in very good health.

#1. Everybody loves the Blueberry Acropora. Very fast growing. Keep in good flow for the best color (the polyps retract and show the color better, or just get a orange-spot filefish to retract the polyps for you!). $30 for a 1-2" frag. Those that inquire 1st will get the encrusted ones, after that I'll take fresh frags. This photo is from above.


Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#3. Montipora palawanensis. 1" frag $30. Green - very bright green under VHO, and 10 or 20K MH. Slow growth rate as a frag, but moderate growth rate when colony is developed. Much thicker laminar plates than the standard M. caps. Grows to a near perfectly circular colony when not being hacked up. I'm the (ultimate) source that Steve Tyree got this and dubbed it 'Tyree limited edition' - FWIW.


#4. Purple M. cap. May also be M. foliosa, or M. deliculata. This colony is purple with purple polyps and grows very fast. Best color under 20K MH. Forms a beautiful whorled structure. Photo of a fragment grown under a 10 K XM 175 W metal halide. $20 for a 1-2" fragment, likely encrusted.


#5. Montipora hispida - Green with large bright green polyps that extend away from skeleton. Grows as large whorls with finger like projections that extend up from the surface of the coral. Photos are of small colony and also larger mature colony showing more of the digitate projections. $20 for a 1-2" fragment, likely encrusted.

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Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
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#6. Papua New Guinea - Super yellow branching/encrusting Porites cylindrical? $20 for a 1-2" frag. Somewhat slow growing.


Here's what a standard frag looks like of this:


#7. Green Hydnophora - looks super bright green with a little actinic lighting - 1-2" frags $20.


#8. Larry Jackson's purple-tip Acropora - BIG pieces. 2-3" mini colonies $20 each.


A photo of the large colony:


Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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All soft corals will be firmly attached to a substrate.

#77. Sanjay's rare purple Efflatounaria, yes a purple soft coral. No it's not Xenia, does not pulse, grows in a different manner. The color in these photos (as true for all my photos) has not been altered in any way. The color is most visable from directly reflected light. $30 for a 1", $40 for a 2" piece, limited number available. Does not require strong lighting though seems tolerant of it.

#88. Liam's Papaya clove polyps, $30 for a 5 polyp piece, very limited number available (these only grow to be about 3/4 inch in diameter). Low to moderate light required.


(photo use permission obtained)

#9. Thick branch gorgonian, I can take probably two cuttings about the size in the photo, I will mount them if there is interest, $20 each.
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Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#10. Solomon Islands super long tentacled toadstool leather, this is the mother colony, frags will be 1-2" in diameter, firmly attached to rock, $20 each:


#11. My screaming green tree coral, photo is of mother colony (really doesn't do it justice), 2" frags will be $30 each:


#12. Kenya tree corals, this is the mother colony. Frags will be 2-3", $20:

Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#13. Mike Accardi's incredible fast growing teal staghorn Acropora. $30 for a 2" frag with excellent color:


#14. Pink Stylo, 1-2" frags, needs VERY bright light and good conditions to maintain pink color, $25 each:


#15. The Palau pink branch with blue tips Acropora, 1-2" multibranch fragments $25:


Here's a shot I just snapped of the Palau Acro mother colony in my 400 G tank:

16. Bec's lavender pillow Acropora, just snapped this photo of the mother colony. Frags will be fresh cut. 1-2" for $25 each.
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Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#17. Green with blue tips staghorn Acropora (fastest growing blue/green stag I've ever seen). $20 for a 2" frag (the bargin coral), might not be encrusted.

#18. Bec's Acropora tenuis, just snapped this photo of the mother colony, and a closeup of it as well. Frags will likely be fresh cut. 1-2" for $25 each.




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Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#19. Purple flower petal polyps M. cap, 1-2" frags $25. If I get short on these I will take fresh frags

Main colony under 14 K bulbs:


Frags under 10K:


#20. The Teal Montipora digitata, most will be fresh frags. $20 for a 2" fragment:


#21. Montipora aequituberculata - a 'Tyree' limited addition coral - green whorling structure that forms projections along the surface - very fast growing and maintains bright green color under a variety of conditions. $20 for a 2" frag.


#22. Green Montipora stellata? - green branching Montipora with large polyps that extend from the surface of the coral. $20 for a 2" fresh cut frag.


Closeup of the Green Montipora stellata:


Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
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#23. The 'Superman' encrusting Montipora - $25 for a 1/2" square healed frag.


#24. Tentatively ID'd as M. capricornis, but it could be M. foliosa, or M. deliculata. This colony is orange and grows very fast. It can be adapted to 400W MH, as long as it is done slowly. It tends to encrust less in bright light. Forms a beautiful whorled structure. 1-2" frags $25.


#25. Blue/purple A. tortuosa frags. They are 1-2" and go for $35 each. Mounted and encrusted.
Mother colony and frags look like this (except that frags are encrusted):
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Advanced Reefer
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If someone can bring them back to Manhattan, I would love:

#7. Sanjay's rare purple Efflatounaria, yes a purple soft coral. No it's not Xenia, does not pulse, grows in a different manner. The color in these photos (as true for all my photos) has not been altered in any way. The color is most visable from directly reflected light. $30 for a 1", $40 for a 2" piece, limited number available. Does not require strong lighting though seems tolerant of it.

#8. Liam's Papaya clove polyps, $30 for a 5 polyp piece, very limited number available (these only grow to be about 3/4 inch in diameter). Low to moderate light required.


Long Island
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Hi Greg

Put me down for...
#1. Blueberry Acropora $30
#8. Liam's Papaya clove polyps $30
#15. The Palau pink branch with blue tips Acropora, 1-2" multibranch fragments $25:
#25. Blue/purple A. tortuosa frags. They are 1-2" and go for $35 each

Greg Hiller

Just a bum in Boston
Wakefield, MA
Rating - 100%
8   0   0
>16. Bec's lavender pillow Acropora
18. Bec's Acropora tenuis

Do you have pictures of either of these?<

Sorry about that, I linked to photos on another site and I could see them, but others could not. I do not have photos of these on my web site since the photos are new. I've corrected the earlier posts though and all the photos should be viewable and correct.

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