Hi, The pictures i posted are with only the Actinics on and you can't see the dead corals in it. I just took a bunch of pictures with the Halides on and close ups of the dead coral colony and close ups of other colonies that are bleaching out. It's weird the way some of the colonies are dying. It's just Bleaching/Dying on some random parts of random corals. Someone told me that PFO makes corals Hypersensative to light and especially SPS Corals. All of my softies are doing perfectly fine and it's just a few of my SPS that are dying.
Why would only some colonies die and not all of them ?
How would i be able to look for red worms ?
Please tell what you think i can do to save these corals that are just starting to die ?
Heres the pictures from about 10 minutes ago. Sorry i don't have a good Camera yet so just bear with me and try and Diagnose these corals as best you can.

1st Picture---Mint Green Big Acropora Colony, Completely white and Dead. (Even the Hermits are cleaning up the Algae growing on it ! LOL)
2nd Picture---Pink Birdsnest Starting to Bleach out on the left side (Should i frag it now ?)
3rd Picture---Tan Acro colony, It's starting to come back to life but it's still badly bleached out.
4th Picture---Pagoda cup, Used to be Dark Green and it's also staring to shead it's skin off near some of the Polyps
5th Picture---Green Tipped Torch, It completely died off on the right branch and looks like it's heading over to the eft side now ?
6th Picture---Birds of Paridise Colony, It is just bleching out on random parts ofthe colony. Why ?
Rest of the picture are full tank shots for you to get a look at everything else that looks very healthy. I just don't understand what's going on in my tank right now ?
Thanks Everyone