hey everyone im looking to try a peiece of sps now my question is whats a good starter peice to try out something hardy cheap and i can see groth quickly to make sure i can start with more exotic peices any recomendations
the answer is "nothing".
you are asking what is forgiving, that you can try...so if that lives, you want to try something less forgiving. keeping that coral alive isn't going to prepare you for something else.
the goal is the less forgiving. try that now.
wow those are words of encouragement.How about try to get water parameters in line for a couple months and get lighting up to par and then you will not have to TRY anything but you CAN grow whatever you choose....
I think you are trying to go slow deliberate and building some confidence which is great to hear.
A coral with training wheels is a great way to go. I'm starting the same way.
There is nothing more discouraging than watching something die in your tank because you rushed into something.
Thansk barrie that's what I feel I would had to kill a coral man I figured I would try something on the easy side and se what happens befor I jump into something crazy lol
These are my para as of yesterday ph 8.0. Alk 10.2. Cal 480. Mag 1150. Nitate 40ppm I'm running 2 250 metal halides reflux I think 12 or 14 k bulbs oh and salt is at .024 temp at 78f
if you don't have a refugium, use this product
"kent" nitrate sponge, this stuff sucks up nitrate quick and maintain a low level till your sysytem is ready" is a good small investment.
Thanks guys I know I need my nitate lower I'm workin on it I just added a aquipure nitrate reducer waiting for it to kick in and see what happens I'm also adding a 90 gallon refuguim so that should help