Going to send a group text soon (tonight) to figure out a meet up . Just dbl checked my pms, unless I missed any I have numbers for Seacilian77,Mark2480,Sthill....If I missed you or anyone else wants pm me your cell number. Thanks,
First meeting of 2015 is going to be next Thursday 2/5 at Z One ( 1821 Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY 10314) 7:30/8:00 safely. I will contact whoever was on the group text on Wednesday to remind/confirm. I know we're still missing a bunch of people,please contact me via pm. Glad we have something started. Thanks
--hey all, I have a baseball sized sea hare that I picked up from another member. It has cleaned my tank and a buddies tank all ready but I do not have any more algae for him to eat. I paid $15 for him and my buddy put him back up on the site and no bites yet. I would like to keep him in Staten Island and am willing to give him to someone with the exception and he stays on the island as long as possible and keeps getting passed around. If anyone is interested please text me at 917-767-8185 asap
the sea hare is currently with johnnyj3089 and with it was a list off all the people that pmed or text me or nutjr. I asked johnnyj3089 to please follow the list and pass him on to whos next when he is done with him. This sea hare is a machine and will not take him more than a few days in large tanks. Please do no exchange money for him as he is being shared within our community and if there is ever an issue where there is no tank that needs him please let me know and I will then take him back and find him a new home. Thank you all!
As soon as I get StHill and Nuch over to finish off this basement I'll hold the first meeting..there you go guys pressure is on lmao. Any word on where the seahare is I could def use one.