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Advanced Reefer
Oak Ridge, NJ
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Hello everyone, I would like to share with you all my 300 gallon upgrade build. I recently had a Oceanic 156 gallon tank which measured 60"w x 24"d x 25"h. I broke the tank down about 2 weeks ago and moved all livestock into 2 holding tanks that have been set up for a while, a 80 gallon frag tank and a 65 gallon RR which are both plumbed on the same sump.

This past weekend I worked on the stand and got a decent amount done with the help of a coworker. We worked day and night to get where I am at now. I built the stand out of a 2x4 bottom and a 2x6 top which measures 74"w x 38". We then supported each corner with two 2x6's which are backed by 2x4's. I then added a 2x6 offset from the center of the stand which is also backed by a 2x4 since I want 2 big doors on the left and 1 on the right. I wrapped the whole stand in 3/4" maple and I'm going to finish it with a high gloss black finish with numerous coats of polyurethane. The stand measures 36" high since it will have all equipment in the stand. I wanted it high for skimmer clearance and ease to work inside.

I will document all my work that is done from this day forward. I would appreciate any advice and compliments given. Ok so, on to the build....


Tank - Marineland 300DD 3 sided starphire w/corner overflows
Stand - Custom black maple 74" x 38" x 36"
Lighting - DIY led fixture 60 RB & 36 CW with 2 48" t5's and 2 60" t5's
Sump - 80 gallon frag tank
Vertex 7" filter sock holder
Skimmer - SWC 230
Refugium - 29 gallon high
Pump - Reeflo dart
Apex controller
MTC Pro Cal reactor
2 TLF 550 reactors [Carbon & Gfo]
Two vortech mp40's
Two Jabeo Wp-60's
Two Jabeo Wp-40's


Mixed reef
300 lbs Tropic Eden Reefflakes
150-200 lbs of Marco,Pukani,Shelf & Branch rock [Going for a open look]



Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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Wow nice start to what im sure will be a great build Ari. The build looks solid and the spot you choose seems to fit perfect with the back wall fitting right in. Tagging along for further pics and updates


Advanced Reefer
Oak Ridge, NJ
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Wow nice start to what im sure will be a great build Ari. The build looks solid and the spot you choose seems to fit perfect with the back wall fitting right in. Tagging along for further pics and updates

Thank you buddy. It's going to take some time but I will get there soon. There is a lot of hard work going in, especially doing most of it by yourself. I am going to need a crew of guys when it comes time to lift the tank on the stand. The tank weighs 480 lbs lol

Do you have space to get behind the tank for maintenance?

No, I will have to work over the top. The lights will be higher and maybe on a pulley system to raise them up.

looks tremendous, perfect spot!

Thank you. How is the cube doing?

Ari BEAUTIFUL work as always! Definitely following this one.

Thank you Bobby

That looks awesome man! can't wait to see this finished.

Thanks Judeo


Advanced Reefer
Oak Ridge, NJ
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Here is a preview of my aquascaping. I gave these rocks a muriatic acid bath last year and had them soaking in ro/di for months. I also used marco mortar mix to bond them together in sections, so I will know how to put them in the tank once set up. The left side is about 5 sections, the middle is all 1 section and the right is 4 sections. The tallest height of the rocks are about 16-17" so it will give me plenty of open space up top. I am also going to set all rock on egg crate cut out to match the rocks. The reason I am doing that is so the rock will sit above the sandbed and not on the glass bottom.



Advanced Reefer
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That is going to look amazing. but as others have stated and I'm sure you know. getting to the back for any possible case is going to be horrific. did you leave yourself even minimal space for the just in case?


Advanced Reefer
Oak Ridge, NJ
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I'm planning on keeping a mixed reef but mostly sps. All my livestock and corals are in holding tanks at the moment. Once this is up and running I will slowly transfer them back.

I got around to painting the frame of the stand. I coated it with 2 coats of Kilz2 latex and then 2 coats of ultra pure white high gloss. I am working on the outside face and top which are being painted a high gloss black. Here are a few pics.

External fuge which will drain into the sump slowly....


Advanced Reefer
Oak Ridge, NJ
Rating - 100%
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A member from reef central brought up to me the concern for ventilation. After speaking with him and polywise, I am going to add a vent fan to push air outside and a return line to bring fresh air from outside in. It will be controlled on a humidity controller and will turn on when needed.

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