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How's it going? I honestly haven't even looked into it much. I received delivery and took a peek at the tank to ensure there were no cracks from inside the box. I saw no punctures or issues from the exterior that would make me worry otherwise.

I should have atleast opened up the box to further inspect.

Another issue coming up. I literally just put my RO/DI online a week or two ago and seeing 1ppm out already. It was 0 ppm a few days ago when I checked. DI resin is still VERY blue with the exception of the bottom 1/20th of the total DI.

I've probably created 90-100 gallons of clean water. I ran the first 1.5hrs straight to the drain to clear out the initial batch of water that it says not to use.

Just so no confusion, I switched out ALL filters and RO membrane because it was offline for 1.5years and pretty much dried out.

5stage RO/DI

Setiment filter - carbon block - carbon block - RO membrane - DI Resin

The setiment filter is still white and no signs of coloration.

TDS Meter is the HM1 dual in/out

Originally IN was at 340~. Today it was at 368. From what I read good is 300-500 and obviously lower the better.
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Finally got something done.

Stand put together and keeping up with my RED SEA theme.

Sump painted

Painted back and underneath plastidip Red.
Piping for return and drain will be red and white.

I have to wait until red sea gets more return assemblies in to do the drain.
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Wallingford, CT
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TDS Meter is the HM1 dual in/out

Originally IN was at 340~. Today it was at 368. From what I read good is 300-500 and obviously lower the better.

At 97% rejection rate, 368 ppm TDS incoming would give you 11 ppm TDS effluent to the DI resin which is high for municipal water but average for well water.
So while DI would exhaust quicker but not at the rate your experiencing. Your DI cartridge might be channeling because the resin is not packed tight enough.


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Thanks pecan. I think you are right. Do you fill the DI cartridge from sponge to sponge? I left about 2-3inches of space.

RJL. - i will be hard plumbing all three lines with red piping and white fittings. Gate valves on reactors (2) and main drain line.


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Wallingford, CT
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When I fill the DI canister, there's no sponge on the top but then you invert it to fill. I fill it 3/4 and tap the canister a few times on a hard surface and then continue to fill until full. The bottom sponge which is now what you use to cap it since the canister is currently inverted, I leave it on the closing screw cap and just screw this back on leaving little to no void space. They actually sell tamping tools for DI resin refilling but this just works fine.


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So tank is almost ready to go live. Water hasn't even touched the system yet.

Finally finished building my return manifold, kept buying the wrong size adapters for the reactors I went with.

I am still waiting for a friend to finish my shelving/display unit for the right side of the cabinet. Once that is in then I need to finish up wire organization and I'll be set.

Otherwise, I am ready to place water in tonight and start testing for leaks.

My rockwork is still in tubs for the past week finally in saltwater seeded with biospira.
I have to drill another one of my rockwork and set a base for it.

I am trying to be very patient with build but man this is taking a VERY long time.
Good news?

My quarantine tank has been running for quite some time now and ready to house my first batch of fish.

Thankfully, it is ready just in time as nanoreefer is selling off his clowns.

Picked up:

2x Black Ice
2x Picasnow clowns

Some future additions/changes.

Swapping BM Curve for a Deltec SCA series skimmer
Not sure if it's worth it but I'll be getting a chiller sometime. Tank is located in my dining room and house is pretty much temp controlled to hover around 68-72 in the winter and 74-80 in the summer.
I might save the money and just buy a generator to run the tank just in case something happens (blackout) and instead just go with a fan setup for backup.


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I am pretty set on getting a Deltec SC1455H with Manual Neck Cleaner. No rush to get it since I am going FOWLR for the next 5-6 months while my tank matures for SPS.

I am almost done with my setup. Still waiting for my shelving display for my electronics, need to get my chaeto reactor online in the next 2 weeks once tank finishes cycling and drop my fish in!



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Big thank you to Nanoreefer for an awesome deal.

Sitting in QT:

2 Black Ice Clowns
2 MR Nanoreefer PICASNOW clowns

Once my clowns go in, next batches:

2) Midas Blenny
3) Longnose Hawkfish

next batch

4) Melanarus Wrasse
5) Exquisite Wrasse
6) Scott's Fairy Wrasse
7) Looks like I'll have to go with a mix of Ignitus, dispar or Resplendent anthias

Last Batch

8) Purple Tang
9) Yellow Tang
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So far i havent had a diatom outbreak. Still waiting for big cycle.

Those that have used Bio Spira or one and only. Did you still see a new tank syndrome algae outbreak?

So sitting in hospital tank:
ICONIC McCosker Male Wrasse
ICONIC True Katrina Female Wrasse

Nanoreefer Black Ice Pair
Nanoreefer Picasnow Pair

Waiting for his next batch shipment for a midas blenny and Exquisite female Wrasse
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I plan to go with a LifeReef skimmer in the future but saw the RO 2000INT with Bubble Blaster with extra pipe for output + neck extender to give more contact time for a great price from a good reefer. I had to take him up on the deal.

Thanks again petraio!

Clowns are now in the system and doing good. I can't add in the wrasses until I get my lid. TopLids is taking forever and no date for it yet. Hopefully they hurry up.

I want to get my wrasses in there. Clowns are so small they look dwarf in the tank.
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So SPS starter pack is in and doing fine. Been in the tank for 2-3 days. 1 was already in bad shape so hoping it will pull through in my tank.

New fish additions:

Purple Tang - aka Purple Nurple
Yellow Tang - aka Mello Yellow
Midas Blenny - aka King Midas
McCoskers - aka M.C.
NanoReefer Black Ice - aka Slippy and Snowflake
NanoReefer Picasnow - aka M9 and P90 (bulletholes)

lol - yeah, crazy! kids like naming them so made sure I named them correctly.

I hope it won't get crazy in there with the tangs. I still intend to place in 2-3 more wrasses and possibly lyretails or another anthias.


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First reading of my tank PO4......114ppb on Hanna Phosphorus ULR brand new kit.

I thought I was doing good. Tank is looking crystal clear, I do have new tank diatoms so not really counting that, I cleaned out my rocks cooked etc, used lathanum chloride with no signs of phosphates. I didn't get any precipitate on contact or anything. I was surprised but man this sucks. I guess I leaked a crap load of po4 from somewhere.

I rinse my mysis with a net then put into a container so not much rinse water can contaminate the tank. The rest aren't rinsed cyclopeez and brine shrimp.

I guess I'll run some gfo for awhile to reduce it then I'll cut back until my algae reactor can take care of it.

Anyone with a Hanna Phosphorus ULR checker get that high of a reading before?


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So I went away for 4 days and of course my tank somehow flooded not once but twice. First time since I had the tank setup. Skimmer went nuts from easter. A kid probably dropped some shhhh in my tank.
Found my midas blenny that I just purchased dead. It was showing color up and becoming more outgoing. Coming out when in front of the tank.

freaking vacay killed it.

The Good news
got the rowaphos going to lower the phosphates.
Did a 10gallon water change to help lower it as well.
Modified my skimmate collector to have an emergency drain. I rather it spill back into the tank if it somehow happens again.

The better news

Starter coral looking good. Two of the dead coral are starting to make a come back. Getting color back and polyp extension. The one that was near dead is making a come back as well. Starting to see color and PE.

I am giving it another few weeks to see a full recovery and growth. I'll be happy with it and purchase my first set of keeper SPS.

1) see phos at <.10ppm
2) setup doser & purchase Red Sea Reef Energy + foundation ABC+
3) 2 more weeks for my TopLids cover - then I can purchase a handle full of wrasse/anthias
4) ensure parameters are stable until the first batch of SPS goes in then I can dose according to baseline parameters or ideal parameters.

Probably need to start with kalk before dosing to see how that affects parameters then dose.

Anyone with kalk can confirm how much kalk affects parameters? Does it keep parameters stable or do you need to dose 2 part either way? Dose it save on dosing 2 part?

Sorry for the questions.


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Yeah. I have access to fish cam and saw the skimmer went nuts. Normally meams something was put into the water column so it flooded the skimmate collector aka a chinese wonton cup!!


Ill get one soone enough but dont really have space in that area in the red sea reefer.

I might just a modified RO cup with a float switch for protection. Hopefully they have one in stock without needing to modify.


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I have a few starter corals in just to monitor tank growth, parameters upto par to promote health and growth.

I need to get some more input on what others are dosing.

My nitrates have been monitored at <10ppm or less than 5ppm. I think I saw an increase in nitrates once but all other times it has been 5ppm or less using Salifert test kit. Purchased within the last month.

My phosphates initially registered at .39~ppm and have come under control with GFO (rowaphos) now registering below <0.05ppm.

I am utilizing a DIY algae reactor and an oversized skimmer to run a very low to ULNS.

Ok, now that I have that out the way. I am dosing acropower, 2 part and kalk daily (not on ATO). I put my kalk online at 7PM when pH tends to drop until the morning time. pH has increased by .1 going from 7.9-8.1. Previously, it started dropping to 7.8-7.97~.

Anyone have any recommendations on dosing to get more coloration? I am seeing new branches growth but coloration is looking pastel. I have not placed any of them in an ideal spot for each since they are not "keeper" coral.

Feeding the tank ocean nutrition flakes (everyone in the tank but my yellow tang is taking it in).

Every other day I feed between a mix of mysis and brine then alternate to LRS reef frenzy.

I give my tangs Julian Springs seaweed every few days to give them their veggies.

I still need to purchase a handful of wrasses, midas blenny and possibly one other fish.
I am waiting just another handful of weeks before I bite the bullet on my coral purchase. Maybe 2 weeks.

Before then I would like to confirm if I am in a good place or does anyone see where tank setup can improve?
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