Wow the anemone looks great, where do you get the silversides from?
BTW, my Exquisite decided to go MIA...yesterday he/she was hiding under the rocks and stuff, now today i can't find it...i'm worried
I hope he didn't die, that would suck. Also, a couple weeks ago i was able to snap an anemone, but it's small and white, and its home is located in the back of the tank, kinda hidden. It's been in the same spot for over a week now, is that normal? I tried feeding it mysis, but i'm not sure if it ate it or not, since i can't really see. Is white a normal color for the bubble tips?
Microbubbles are pissing the crap out of me. I will turn off the lights for a couple of days because i don't wanna see them, and the stupid algae is annoying the crap out of me.