nyguardian21 Hello Location Brooklyn, NY Rating - 100% 38 0 0 May 24, 2008 #1 Looking for a few small hermits, few cerith and nassarius snails and anything that will eat my green algae for my 10gal.
Looking for a few small hermits, few cerith and nassarius snails and anything that will eat my green algae for my 10gal.
akma Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Bergen County, NJ Rating - 100% 126 0 0 May 24, 2008 #2 You should get some astrea snails. All the nassarius snails I ever had never ate algae. I bought 20 astrea snails and out of the snails that i've had they seem to do the most work. Those and cerith.
You should get some astrea snails. All the nassarius snails I ever had never ate algae. I bought 20 astrea snails and out of the snails that i've had they seem to do the most work. Those and cerith.
ZANYMASTER Old School Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Bethpage,NY Rating - 100% 411 0 0 May 24, 2008 #3 Nacl-H2O has them,he's in BK.
M masterswimmer Old School Reefer Vendor Manhattan Reefs Location NY Rating - 99.6% 450 2 0 May 25, 2008 #4 We've got the large Indonesian Turbo Snails. Similar to Mexican Turbos but warm water Ceriths, nerites, nassarius too. swimmer
We've got the large Indonesian Turbo Snails. Similar to Mexican Turbos but warm water Ceriths, nerites, nassarius too. swimmer
michael stern Advanced Reefer Location new rochelle Rating - 99.1% 112 1 0 May 25, 2008 #5 turbos, nerites, nassarius, urchins, crabs, etc. All in stock for pickup or shipping. 10% off orders placed this weekend.
turbos, nerites, nassarius, urchins, crabs, etc. All in stock for pickup or shipping. 10% off orders placed this weekend.