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I am interest in the light, how old is it? any problem?
Kessil A360WE Tuna Blue. Comes with flex arm. $125

Hi, I live in Westhampton. Just wanted to know what you were thinking of for the corals and fish. I have a 750 gallon mixed reef and need to fill it up some. Please send me a text. Thanks so much, Al
Thank you for the bid but I'm at $250 right now. I bought the skimmer new 7 months ago and cleaned it every month - it's in excellent condition. Very quiet and produces lots of skimmate.
Interested in an anemone if you have any available. Let me know. I'm located in Bayside. Thanks
Hello, I do have a few Rainbows available. I am located in Briarwood Queens.
Thanks fir the reply. I already picked one up
hey is the light still available? is there anything wrong with the fixture? I would like your phone number may this weekend
interested in picking up the 4x4 star polyps, let me know whats a good time for you. thanks

I’ll be home after 6
do you have sort or you sell your corals at home? can you host to see what you have? thanks to let me know
I saw your old post about the blue cespitularia and was wondering if you have any more frags. I can offer you a neon green toadstool frag.
