According to the Long Island Press:
The first exhibit is Glover’s Reef, which is a 167,000-gallon tank that replicates Glover’s Reef, a coral reef system located in Belize. It’s home to marine creatures including eels, Atlantic rays, French angels, and Cuban hogfish. The second is The Pacific Ocean’s Coral Triangle; a replica reef dedicated to a 2.3 million-square-mile coral reef that is home to clownfish, and anemones. The third exhibit is Africa’s Great Lakes; replicating two freshwater lakes of Africa: Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria. Here visitors will find more than 1,000 different species, most found nowhere else in the world, including two critically endangered fish species. The fourth, final exhibit and possibly the most fascinating of all is Brazil’s Flooded Forest; replicating the Amazonian flooded forest in Brazil where visitors will find a school of piranhas.
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Between this renovation and Atlantis Marine World’s expansion, New York aquarium-lovers have a lot to be excited about!