Reef Threads Podcast #279

It’s time for number two seventy nine. This week we talk about Alex, Ocean Geographic, Angelle, bees, Long Island fishing, Dory, Whole Foods, and lionfish. Basically, it’s a little bit of everything for everyone. Hope you enjoy the show. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Whole Foods Market selling invasive lionfish in Florida stores, Sun Sentinel, Doreen Christensen

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Reef Threads Podcast #278

It’s always a treat when Alex Rose joins us to share her underwater exploits. This time she takes us from Orca hunting in Norway to the Philippines, and then to Australia. Don’t miss the stories this week and be sure to check out her photos below. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

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Large male orca in Tromso, Norway

The Northern Lights

Pair of commensal shrimp on a whip coral.

Tomato clownfish showing off.

Reefscape with lots of anthias.

Pair of Coleman shrimp on a fire urchin.

Great Barrier Reef at low tide.

Most of the carpet anemones were bleached on the Great Barrier Reef.

Health outcropping of Acropora on the Great Barrier Reef.

Bleached Acropora at around 60 ft. on the Great Barrier Reef.

Reef Threads Podcast #277

Live Aquaria has a freshwater option for Dory.

We’re excited to have Craig Bingman with us again. In this week’s show we talk about the Petco and Live Aquaria campaigns to protect the ocean’s Dorys and the trends we’ve experienced in the history of the hobby, good and bad. It’s a terrific conversation with a real veteran of the hobby. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Live Aquaria Finding Dory website
Live Aquaria Finding Dory website

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Reef Threads Podcast #276

Cirrhilabrus isosceles

Lemon Tyk joins us this week to talk about marine fish and the marine-aquarium hobby in general. Be sure to listen. It’s a good one. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Cirrhilabrus isosceles
Download the species description paper produced by Lemon Tyk, Brian Green, and Senou. Cirrhilabrus isosceles paper

Okeanos Explorer
Okeanos Explorer website

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Reef Threads Podcast #275

Much has changed in this hobby in 5 yrs. But some things are still constant. Listen this week to learn what’s what.

The big question this week is: Do 5-yr.-old tips still hold up? Some do. Some don’t. Listen to learn more. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

Sponsor: Rod’s Food
Rod’s Food website

Poland Union Schools reef tank
Watch the reef tank at the Poland Union school. Use the password: gobulldogs
Poland Union’s reef tank

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