Italian marine tank contest moves forward: results and upcoming meetings

by | Jun 8, 2024 | Contest | 0 comments

Last week saw the end of the first 4 rounds of the sixteenth finals, so let’s see how it went and see the updated scoreboard with the marine aquariums that will compete to be declared Italy’s most beautiful marine aquarium. 

Our video update and presentation of upcoming matches

As usual, we have shot the video commenting on last week’s results and introducing the new meetings that you will find further down in the article, it’s in Italian language but you can switch on the subtitles and then choose English from YouTube settings.


Last week’s results

Let us now see how last week’s matches went. In the first match between Gianluca Veroli and Luigi Castelnuovo, the winner was the latter with 75% of the vote. In this case the top seed was confirmed as the winner against the outsider. Our congratulations to Reefluo (Luigi) and to  Gianluca who have passed the preliminary round. An excellent result.

In the second match, things really heated up. Given the notoriety of the two contenders, we kept an eye on the voting throughout the day. In fact, they were meeting Fabio Conte, who came out on top of Dario Buccolieri with 60 percent of the vote, in the week’s top-rated match. In the first hours of voting, they overtook each other in first place several times, until a snatch by Fabio who overtook Dario and then consolidated the lead during the night. We have to thank Dario for participating with an aquarium that probably needs some more time to show its true worth, but nevertheless rivaled Fabio in a match that we cannot but call passionate.

This means that in the quarterfinals, Reefluo and Faco Reef will meet, and I believe that once again, we will see some good things in a match that, in my opinion, is by no means a foregone conclusion.

In the third match of the sixteenth finals, aa Reef aa (Simone Canino) took on Caccio (Luigi Cacciatore) and won with 85 percent of the vote. Looking at the two aquariums, I would have thought that it was a balanced match, but evidently our readers preferred aa Reef aa‘s aquarium. So honor also to Caccio, who in my opinion has a beautiful aquarium, as well as congratulations to Simone for his beautiful aquarium.

In the fourth match of the week, an_EasyReef, aka Salvatore Parrillo, challenged Taddens, aka Vito Alessandro Taddeo and won with 63 % of the vote. Again, it was a top seed who prevailed, but honor to Taddens for winning the first round and making it to these results. Of course, our congratulations go to Salvatore for winning.

In the second quarterfinal we’ll see aa Reef aa versus EasyReef, where one tank is practically double the size of the other, and I think the outcome will not be a foregone conclusion at all.

The updated scoreboard

So here is the updated scoreboard for the final round with last week’s results.

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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