Red Sea Updated ReefBeat Software for ReefWave Gyre Pumps

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Equipment, Technology

In case you haven’t heard, the new ReefWave 25 and 45 watt gyre style pumps just started arriving at Red Sea authorized retail & online stores (ours included). To take full advantage of all of the features the pumps offer, you will need install the latest version of the ReefBeat app by downloading it from the Apple or Android app store. By updating or installing the latest version of ReefBeat, you can take full control of your ReefWave 25 watt or 45 watt gyre style wavemaker pumps.

The update has features designed to give you greater flexibility: Quick action button features:Feed – switches on/off selected wave pumps (with a specified time for each pump). Maintenance – allows selected pumps to be turned on/off as a group. Emergency – MORE

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