Interzoo 2014: Korallen Zucht Displays Incredible Corals

by | Jun 12, 2014 | Corals, Events | 0 comments

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht ed i suoi coralli

The Korallen Zucht booth at Interzoo attracted a ton of attention. In fact Korallen Zucht is the company that invented the Zeovit method and always brings magnificent corals to events.  Read on for our report and some incredible SPS eye candy!

But let’s start to speak about all the corals we saw.

As always, we are speaking of small polyped stony corals, usually called SPS, that are mostly influenced by Zeovit method, thanks to their colours, very pale colours. As you can see from the pictures. Colours, we want to underline, are not in the wild, and that come from the strong combination of T5 illumination and bacterial reproduction.

Apart what we can think about these colours, we can’t deny how these corals are wonderful and so attractive for us.

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht ed i suoi coralli - acroporaAnd, as every time we come here, this stand is one of the more visited by aquarists.

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht ed i suoi coralli - acropora

The corals were really amazing, have I just said that? So, watch these pictures, one by one, yes I know it’s not like to be there, but I think you can imagine what we have had the luck to see.

As we have just said, and you know, Korallen Zucht has invented Zeovit, with all products, and this year has presented a new automatic zeolite reactor and new tablet supplements.

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht ed i suoi coralli - integratori

The tablets have been studied to release their content in about three to four months, so we, or the people that’s using this method, can choose to not administer liquid supplements every single day.

Korallen Zucht has called the tablets Automatic Dosing System.

At this moment not every Zeovit supplements are available, but we have Potassium iodide Fluoride Concentrate, Amino Acid High Concentrate, B-Balance concentrate and Iron concentrate. But our sensation says we’ll have every supplements before or after.

The last product we saw that Zeovit has presented during this Interzoo was the new Zeovit filter, aimed to shake the, so called, Zeovit media, in a totally automatic way

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht - reattore di zeolite automatico

Very beautiful with the classical Korallen Zucht colours, orange, white and yellow. It shakes the Zeovit media every hour for about 15-20 seconds.

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht - reattore di zeolite automaticoHere we can see the dedicated timer.

What else we can add? A very beautiful stand with the always magnificent corals, maybe we have seen a slightly lesser number of corals, but surely this was the booth where to see more corals than in every other booth.

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zuchtIn fact the aquarium dimension can’t leave any doubt inside us… it was made for corals!

interzoo norimberga 2014 lo stand korallen zucht - i coralli


  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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