AMAZONAS – A New High Bar for Freshwater Magazines

by | Nov 23, 2011 | Fish, Science | 0 comments

Whoah!  There are fish that don’t need saltwater?

That’s right!  The press release today from Reef to Rainforest Media is our first glimpse of the new English magazine AMAZONAS from the team that publishes our favorite mag, CORAL.  From the release:

“As it happens, CORAL has a younger sister publication that is considered one of the world’s finest freshwater magazines, although heretofore only available in German…. AMAZONAS is now in its seventh year of publication in Germany, and beginning with the January/February 2012 issue, it will also be available in English, published by the same team that brings you CORAL.”

AMAZONAS is one of the world’s legendary freshwater aquarium magazines, read by tens of thousands of tropical fish enthusiasts and now available for the first time in English.

New species discoveries, awesome aquarium profiles, breeding breakthroughs, tropical nature, hands-on advice and secrets to keeping a thriving, stunningly beautiful freshwater aquarium are the focus of every sumptuously printed issue.

Written by experts and illustrated with breathtaking color images, AMAZONAS is a must read for the adventuresome freshwater aquarist—a constant source of new ideas, cutting edge information and inspiration.

But don’t take our word for it. On the website you’ll be able to click the cover on the home page and actually see the prototype digital edition.

AMAZONAS Social Media Launch with Free Subscription Give Aways All Day!

Stay tuned for the official website launch tomorrow. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for the launch of AMAZONAS’ social media networks tomorrow. On official launch day, we will be giving away free subscriptions throughout the day to randomly selected people who “like” the AMAZONAS Facebook page and follow AMAZONAS on Twitter! Who knows how many “likes” and “follows” AMAZONAS will secure in the first 24 hours, but we’re pretty confident saying you have a good chance of winning one if you get involved!

Charter Subscriptions Available Starting Tomorrow for 40% Off

Be sure to take advantage of this great offer on the new magazine!

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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