Ellery Wong
  • Ellery Wong

    Ellery is a mechanical systems engineer at a Fortune 500 technology company. He has automation experience in the automotive, appliance, printing and robotics industries as a product development professional but also has over 35 years of saltwater aquarium experience as a hobbyist. He currently maintains a 9 tank / 540 gallon SPS/LPS/Mixed systems. DIY is his forte!

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Travel: Phillip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science

Travel: Phillip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science

My recent family vacation was to Miami, Florida. As with every family vacation, I added as many aquatic destinations to the itinerary as I could. The Phillip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science has been a place I have wanted to visit, especially because my fellow...

Reef Kinetics Reefbot Lab v6: Month 1 Observations

Reef Kinetics Reefbot Lab v6: Month 1 Observations

It has been just about 1 month since Reef Kinetics sent me the Reefbot Lab version 6.  In my initial unboxing article, I went through the typical items.  I waited to get a better understanding of the "Principles of Operation" of this device over time.  So here is a...

Reef Mentoring: Part 12 – Preparing to Re-Locate

Reef Mentoring: Part 12 – Preparing to Re-Locate

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Unboxing: Reef Kinetics ReefBot Lab V6

Unboxing: Reef Kinetics ReefBot Lab V6

The aquarium hobby is a ripe industry for automation. As we continue to learn how to maintain it to its fullest, various innovations will continue to be made to support it.  Water parameter testing a crucial task in this hobby. We have joked that "if we can maintain...

Global Pet Expo: Aquarium Systems France & Dr. Tim’s Aquatics

Global Pet Expo: Aquarium Systems France & Dr. Tim’s Aquatics

In a prior article, I discussed my first experience at Global Pet Expo. It was a great experience, and I decided to highlight some observations from the booths I visited. Enjoy! The Aquarium Systems France booth was shared with Dr. Tim's Aquatics. It displayed many...

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Global Pet Expo: Pisces USA Booth

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Global Pet Expo: Two Little Fishies Booth

In a prior article, I discussed my first experience at Global Pet Expo. It was a great experience, and I decided to highlight some observations from the booths I visited. Enjoy! Two Little Fishies The first booth I visited at Global Pet Expo was Two Little Fishies,...

Global Pet Expo: Aquatic Lounge – Saltwater

Global Pet Expo: Aquatic Lounge – Saltwater

Though I am a technical hardware enthusiast I am mainly in this hobby for the livestock. The Global Pet Expo 2024 Aquatic Lounge showcased some of the most well known aquaculture wholesalers today. Here are some of the things I saw at the event. Aquatic Lounge: The...