Imagine a device that has a water pump that sends water to the top of a tower and then releases it. As the water spills down due to force of gravity, the water spins... Read more.

Emergency Protocols for Home Aquariums
Many people speak of the importance of being prepared for any “unforeseen situations” with their aquariums. This is actually better stated as preparing... Read more.

Chronic Anorexia in Aquarium Fishes
Fish that refuse to feed in captivity is a problem for most aquarists from time to time. Once this difficulty begins with a particular specimen, the clock begins... Read more.

Antique Fish Prints as Fine Art
Aquarium hobbyists often have other interests related to their primary hobby. SCUBA diving, sport fishing and boating are all other common hobbies for aquarists.... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Captive Observations of the Mimic Octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus
Most people are familiar with the basic attributes of an octopus; eight sucker lined arms (or are they legs?), excellent eyesight, an ability to change skin color... Read more.