Blue-Light Sponge

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Corals, Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

Good morning friends, we had a wonderful night dive last night under the second pier at Caracasbaai, it is truly one of the best blue-light diving destinations in Curacao!

From start to finish last night we had a blast, there is so much stuff that is glowing on the giant posts that hold the pier up that it would take 100 dives to see it all.

One of my favoite things I found, high up on one of the posts was this beautiful glowing sponge (above) which was surrounded by all kinds of little pieces of algae and corals that were glowing as well.

This is the first sponge I have ever seen that fluoresces and it was standing out like crazy when you shined the blue-light on it.


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