Breaching shark devours angler’s catch [video]

by | Apr 11, 2013 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Isaac Brumaghim was big game fishing Sunday and he had a nice kawakawa (type of tuna) on the line when suddenly the ocean erupted behind his kayak. He said he could hear the shark’s jaws clamp together as it sank its teeth into his catch. The incident happened off western Oahu and his bow camera captured the entire event on film.

Isaac stated the shark was most likely either a Galapagos or tiger and after finishing off the tuna, it circled his kayak. “It was as if the shark was taunting me,” he said. “It gave me the heebie-jeebies.”

Below is video from the bow camera. Warning: there is some foul language (and I think most of us would have said as much if we were in his place!).

(Via Pete Thomas Outdoors)


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