Breaking News: Orange-striped Rarity Comes To The UK

by | Sep 6, 2013 | Fish | 0 comments

Originally discovered in Palau in the Western Central Pacific and formally described in just 2001, Cirrhilabrus earlei is still a relative rarity in the trade. We are getting information however that two pairs and one single specimen of this stunning deepwater species have been imported into the UK by TMC in recent days. With one pair settling-in at a store in the South of England (and on offer for a price of £2000!), the other pair are rumoured to be destined for export out of the country (exactly where we don’t know but we suspect these may show up in the US in coming weeks). Although there are no images of these fish as yet, we can see from the embedded video just how stunning they can be…. and ‘personality’ wise they are also rumoured to be a great fish. Let’s hope they go to nice systems and that we get to see more of them!

More:Breaking News: Orange-striped Rarity Comes To The UK


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