Chromis viridis in the Wild

by | Apr 19, 2020 | Fish, Photography | 0 comments

One of the joys of photographing fish in the wild is the chance to see them showing natural behavior ‘en masse’.  Not that it is always easy to image though; whilst I may think of myself as a passive observer, the fish consider me a likely predator.

I’ve been trying to capture an image of a spectacular shoal of young chromis for a while, it’s not easy, they are very wary and will dive deep into a coral head for protection, in this case (main image), what looks to me like Acropora humilis.  On this series of dives I was lucky to be alone with a very patient guide who hung around while I shot away, and thus I could spend a good deal of time shooting the coral heads.

As you can see, these heads are ideal for photography, allowing me easy access without risking damaging other corals nearby.

There’s a Pseudochromis olivaceous in the middle of this shot

The fish are somewhat wary still, in all the images: there are always more fish to the rear of the heads than at the front, close to my camera. However, I’m fairly pleased with the results and I think I’ve managed to capture the fantastic colors of the juveniles.

As a further treat, when returning to shore I spotted some mating behavior, with three fish seemingly spawning on a sponge.


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