Clams, Clams, and More Clams

by | May 16, 2017 | Invertebrates, Photography | 0 comments

tridacnid, clam

I’ve not met an aquarist yet that doesn’t like a tridacnid.  So hereare some photos from my recent Maldives expedition of a few beauties I found along the way.

tridacnid, clam

This fellow might not be the most attractive overall, but it was quite a size, and under the bright sunlight, that lime green edging really popped!

tridacnid, clam

Quite a green meany this one, and like the one above, free from the reef and resting on the substrate.

tridacnid, clam

This animal is quite a stunner, though smaller than those above.  A helpful Sixline Wrasse offers a sense of scale.

tridacnid, clam

This quite a nice specimen, but not as grand as…

tridacnid, clam

I left the best ’til last, in my opinion anyway.  Isn’t this rather special?


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