Coral Frenzy Product Overview – 1mm Reef Pellet

by | Sep 29, 2016 | Corals, Equipment, Fish, Reef, Science, Tanks | 0 comments

Reef tank hobbyists have benefited greatly over the last few years as manufacturers now offer equipment that makes it much easier to filter and control the build up of excess nutrients. However, there is a downside to this benefit since many corals in a nutrient poor tank will not be happy and will require additional sources of food. I have used supplemental feeds for corals in my reef tanks for years and a while ago I began to use the 1mm Reef Pellet product from Coral Frenzy to feed my LPS. The pellet contains a variety of ingredients, including squid meal, herring meal and shrimp meal. All of the ingredients can be found on the product label. When I MORE


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