Designer creates Oceanwings, a wingsuit for ‘flying’ underwater

by | Feb 18, 2013 | Advanced Aquarist, Corals, Invertebrates | 0 comments

Designer creates Oceanwings, a wingsuit for 'flying' underwater

The Oceanwing dive suit, as modeled by Pierre Frolla.

As reported by LaughingSquid, Oceanwings are a wetsuit inspired by skydiving wingsuits and reportedly gives the wearer the feeling of flying underwater. The suit is designed by Guillaume Binard, who partnered with AquaLung to create the suit for the Paris Dive Show in last month. World renound freediver Pierre Frolla put the suit to the test in the video below. There is no word at this time if the suit will be manufactured.

What do you think – would you try one if you had the opportunity?


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