Divers and Giant Sea Fan

by | Dec 29, 2015 | Photography, Reef, Science, Travel | 0 comments

Good morning one and all! Since last Thursday afternoon, I have pretty much been diving with our two guests Karen and Alan non stop and it has been a blast!!

I shot this photo of our two new divers holding hands drifting over a giant sea-fan in front of the Sea Aquarium at Shipwreck Point at around 35 feet. Today they took a break from diving and took off to the west end of the island to climb to the top of Mount Christoffel, hike Boka Tabla and visit as many beaches as possible before dark, I am sure they will be wiped out tonight but with smiles plastered to their faces! We had some great night dives this weekend and saw three beautiful octopus on one dive alone and filmed them all using my new GoPro-4 attached to my sexy looking Ikelite tray and Vega strobes


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