Diving with Bottlenose Dolphins

by | Mar 13, 2016 | Fish, Reef, Science, Travel | 0 comments

Good morning, Aimee here. I have a fun and wonderful photo of Tela and Serena on our open ocean dive yesterday. I have spent the last several months working on this with them and now we are all enjoying the “fruits of our labor”! Almost every day, before the sea gets too rough, we take them out for their boat following, on the reef just alongside Dolphin Academy. The idea is that every session we travel just a little bit further, getting them used to the area and letting them map out the reef in their memory. It is very similar to how you would explore a new neighborhood you just moved in to.

Many times Tela, being a good momma, surveys the area, scanning out to the deep, and Serena gets to hang out and chase fish and explore the area with me. Tela is now 15 and if you remember from many years ago used to do this dive with her son, Pasku. Serena is almost 4 years old, and is not nearly so brave as Pasku, and until recently has not been bold enough to want to dive on the reef. Well, Serena has recently changed her mind and is now ready join in the fun. It is very exciting and we all love it.



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