Dr. Richard Pyle Announced as MACNA 2013 Keynote Speaker

by | Jan 23, 2013 | Industry, MACNA | 0 comments

Here’s some great news for registered and potential attendees of MACNA 2013. The world famous Dr. Richard Pyle was just announced as the keynote speaker of the Saturday night banquet. We’re huge fans of Dr. Pyle and all of his amazing work collecting, researching, and naming rare aquarium specimen, most notably the Peppermint angelfish which he caught and donated to the Waikiki Aquarium. Currently, Richard works for the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Hawaii and serves on the Board of Directors for the Association of Marine Exploration. In a nutshell, Richard Pyle is about the highest profile speaker that could address the crowd at MACNA and we can’t wait to hear his stories.

Joining Richard in his quest to enlighten and entertain attendees of the annual marine aquarium conference is a long list of guest speakers that are scheduled over the three day period. This list includes Tony Vargas, Morgan Moore, Matt Wittenrich, Matt Wandell, Kevin Kohen, Julian Sprung, Jake Adams, Craig Bingman, Colin Foord, Martin Moe, ChingChai, Sanjay Joshi, Martin Moe, Vincent Chalias, and Mark Callahan. Talk about an all-star lineup of speakers. I just hope to squeeze in more speakers this year than I’ve been able to in the past.  Read More

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