Editorial: August 2006

by | Aug 15, 2006 | Advanced Aquarist, Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Received by email a few days ago:

In case there was any doubt about the success of lionfish
in the Atlantic, we did our first dive of the year on the
Ponquogue bridge Thursday and within 20 minutes, my buddy and I
had caught 11 juvenile lionfish. Another diver had 18 of
them in a bucket and several other divers were commenting that
they were seeing them everywhere.

[email protected].

Well, it looks like lionfish are here to stay in the Atlantic,
and what kind of ecological problem they will cause has yet to be


Picasso triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) in the author’s tank.

I received the following exchange from a aquarist in Germany
regarding my last editorial where I explained the devastating
lose of my fish to a parasite.

Dear Terry Siegel,

I’m responding to the online
statement regarding the parasite problem that you had. I
experienced the same disaster. I lost most of my coral fish a few
years ago, angle fish, butterfly and others. I then bought a
group of new butterfly fish. A few days later an infection of
Oodinium appeared in the tank and all fish were ill. My old
16W UVC at the 1000-liter tank was too small, but I thought at
first that the lamp was powerful enough. Together with the
trouble of my new fighting fish I was confronted with a big
problem. I put the sea anemones and corals in another holding
tank, then I used copper and killed the complete biological
system. 50% of the fish died. I wrote an article about that in a
German magazine. We moved into a new town and the same problem
came again. So this time I used no copper. The solution was
the installation of 50 watts UVC per 1000-liter aquarium water.
So after 2 years of experience I can say that parasites are not
more a problem. I change the UV bulb each half year. If you want
I can translate these articles for you. We spoke about some
articles that I can write for your magazine.

Kind regards, AquaLogistik

I replied:

I would love a translation, and thank you for
your advice, and did you ever try ozone, O3.

He replied:

Yes I tested O3. But it
was not effective enough. I used a large protein skimmer with
max. 50mg/1000-liter tank volume. UVC is much more efficient and
safe for humans and your fish too. You can install a large lamp
in an infected system. After 3 – 4 days you will see the
results. Problem is that most people install only a very small
lamp in their tanks.

We installed big UVC units at several import and export
stations for marine fish here in Germany, Kenya and Singapore.
Use 50 watts for 1000-liter volume, tank circulation
minimum of 1 time per hour passing the lamp. Then you can forget
the problems with Oodinium or Cryptocaryon and other

I replied:

One of the problems is that my system is 700-gallons; I
would need a lot of UVC, and the bulbs would have to be cleaned
often and changed regularly.

To which he replied:

700 Gallons are approx
2,500-liters. Than you need altogether approx 165 watts, which
means 3 lamps, each 55W. I clean the bulbs when changing the
lamps only 2 times per year. The lights are very cheap here in
Germany (T8). For more details you can ask the company Tropical
Marin cented in the UK. They produce the lamps for us. They use
it in their own import station and they can produce lamps for
special applications.

If you want more details pleas ask
for James Hayes and let him know that I gave you the contact.
They can help you with a contact in the USA. I know that Aquatic
Eco system in Tampa/Florida sells the UVC for them.


[email protected]

Kind regards


-Vertrieb / Export-
Dipl. Ing. Daniel Heerz
Tel.: + 49 29 24 – 87 75 15
Fax: + 49 29 24 – 87 75 10
[email protected]

Enclosed are two pictures of the Tropical Marine lamps, which
we use in fresh and salt water.



My new fish are doing well, with the juveniles growing
extremely fast, partially because I feed them several times/day.
And, I always have a sheet of Nori hanging in the tank, which as
you can see from the pictures is grazed on constantly.



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