Editorial: July 2007

by | Jul 15, 2007 | Advanced Aquarist, Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

I’m sure that many readers
of this ezine know that our editorial policy is to bridge the gap
between anecdotal hobby literature and science. Whenever possible
we try to publish material from practicing scientists, and in
that way to present information that is factual derived, not
based upon someone’s opinion. For example, it is becoming
clear, from the work of scientists like Lee Goldman that corals
benefit far more from live food than artificially manufactured
food. This is not definitive yet, but recent controlled studies
are coming to that conclusion.

In the next issues to come we have more exciting and useful
information to publish. To wet your appetite, let me

  • A Product Review, “Alkalinity Test
    Kit Showdown” by Dana Riddle tests the popular alkalinity
    test kits on the market for accuracy.
  • Adam Blundell returns to his Lateral Lines
    column with, to quote the author, “This column is
    intended to foster a discussion on larval rearing systems. The
    information presented here are the current and ongoing
    developments of larval rearing systems used by hobbyists and
    researchers alike. Future articles will show the construction
    and design of rearing systems.”
  • A Feature article by Dana Riddle on coral
    identification will be published soon.
  • Another Feature article coming is
    “Identifying Parasitic Diseases in Marine Aquarium Fish.
    A Hobbyist’s Guide to Identifying Some Common Marine
    Aquarium Parasites by Terry D. Bartelme
  • Also in the works is a series of articles on
    Cyanobacteria by Sara Allyn Mavinkurve.
    I’m looking forward to this, as in my opinion
    Cyanobacteria is a constant problem in closed system reef
  • I’m working on a product review of
    ways to remove scratches on the outside and inside of acrylic
    aquariums, especially large tanks like mine. So far I have
    found that using the Everclear Acrylic Scratch Removal kit
    works very well on the outside pane. I intend to also see how
    it works on removing scratches from the inside when the tank is
    filled with seawater and sea life. Part of this product review
    will deal with various devices to remove coralline algae from
    acrylic tanks without scratching them. For myself and others
    this is quite a challenge.


A note on my Clown Triggerfish. My triggerfish in about a year
has grown from a 1.5-inch juvenile to a 7-inch adult. It is very
beautiful, and does not bother any of the corals, clams, snails,
crabs, or sea cucumbers in my reef tank. However, it is starting
to show some aggressiveness toward other fish in the tank,
especially large ones its size. This aggression only takes place
at feeding time. It has not so far done any damage. Another habit
it has developed that has me concerned is its growing interest in
digging in the substrate. How far its landscaping behavior will
go is hard to know. Fortunately, I can easily remove the trigger
if it becomes necessary– it eats out of my hand.


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