Editorial: June 2007

by | Jun 15, 2007 | Advanced Aquarist, Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

If you have not already seen this on our boards
please be aware that through the generosity of ZeroEdge Aquarium,
PFO Solaris, and Euro-Reef
we are auctioning off a complete reef
system, valued at $2600,00. The drawing will be held at MACNA this Summer
in Pittsburg. However, you do not need to be present to win. The link to
this drawing along with pictures of this setup is, http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=105480

Greg Schiemer

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to report the very untimely
death of Greg Schiemer – a fine man and a dear friend. I met Greg back in
the 1980s, pretty much at the birth of the reef keeping hobby, and
discovered a kindred coralaholic. Greg and I shared the same passion: to
create a closed system reef that would allow the various sea creatures,
both vertebrates and invertebrates, to grow and flourish – even reproduce
in captivity. I certainly can say with all honesty that Greg’s husbandry
ability was matched by only a handful of reef keepers – Sprung, Yaiullo,
Delbeek, for example – but none exceeded his skill. In pursuing his/our
bliss, Greg exercised critical intelligence, science, and almost endless
curiosity. When it came to those selling a product or information, he had
little patience with the proverbial snake oil salesmen of the world. Often,
he would say, where’s the factual proof, can you prove that, and after all
is said and done, it’s the lives of these wonderful creatures that we are
taking out of the sea that are at stake.


When Julian Sprung and I started Aquarium Frontiers
Greg was fully on board with us. Without his insight, hard work at product
reviews, and financial sense we never would have gotten off of the ground.
I can’t think of another reef keeper who was more generous with his time
and knowledge. As a way of remembrance here are a few pictures of some of
his animals in his wonderful 500-gallon reef tank, which was but one of the
reef tanks he maintained. When it came to animal husbandry Greg Schiemer
was a super-star. The hobby and I will miss him very much.



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