Editorial: October 2009

by | Oct 15, 2009 | Advanced Aquarist - No Images | 0 comments

As you can see from my video of my freshwater tank (below) it is progressing well and my interest in my freshwater aquarium is, if anything, growing. My video is far from expert; it is my first attempt at working with video, so bear with me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p0N7rOkHiU

There are various schools of fish – rummy noses, tiger barbs, brass tetras, blood fins, etc. that are exhibiting very interesting behavior toward the end of the day, after their 7PM feeding. They all appear to be going through spawning behavior. It is quite fascinating to observe. One of the great things about a large freshwater tank is that you can have schools of small fish. Large reef tanks in public aquaria can have schools of fish, but this is generally not possible in home reef tanks.

Most of the plants are growing well, but I’m beginning to see signs of unwanted algae, and that has me concerned. Algae is not something you want to let get established in either a reef or planted freshwater aquarium. Once established it is hard if not impossible to control. Any advice will be appreciated. I have added two plecostomuses, which are helpful, but have bitten some holes in some of the plants whose leaves are more delicate, like my Aponogeton ulvaceus.

MACNA XXI had its annual conference in Atlantic City the last weekend in September. I have attended most of them, and I found this one particularly well run. The talks that I went to where very informative; many of the speakers write regularly for Advanced Aquarist. Professor Feldman gave an important talk on his continuing research on protein skimmers, about what they actually do and what types if any work most effectively. This talk focused on their ability to remove PO4 (phosphates). He is currently working on part 3 which we will publish as soon as it is available.

Following are photos I took of exhibits at the conference. I might point out that it was the corals offered for sale that come from Australia that produced the most excitement. The cover for this issue illustrates this. Also, I’m happy to say that the variety of commercially raised ornamental fish increase from year to year.

Following are some photos I took at the conference:


Julian Sprung, owner of Two Little Fishes, is holding a new product; it is a vegetable clip that is held on with a magnet, which is strong enough to handle ¾ inch glass or acrylic.


This a photograph of Martin Moe and his wife. Martin is one of the first scientists to commertcially bred a variety of reef fish.


Reef Nutrition: One of sponsors.


Some of the beautiful corals from Australia


Some of the commercially raised reef fish offered for sale by ORA.


Randy Donowitz standing next to a rather large skimmer.


The Stark brothers, creators of B-Ionic. They expect to have a salt mix available soon.


Sunlight Supply: Another of our sponors.


More beautiful corals for sale.


And still more beautiful corals.

As fascinating as the new corals, fish, and equipment, and lectures the best part of these conferences is visiting old friends and colleagues.


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