Eric Cheng Spills Some Secrets

by | Sep 25, 2012 | Opinion, Photography | 0 comments

Eric Cheng is known to many of our readers for his incredible award winning underwater photography that seems to transcend your typical macros and fisheyes.  Talk at Google, a regular speaking session with some of the most inventive and creative artists and developers that Google can attract, recently featured Eric’s work and gave him time to explain some of the challenges involved in capturing these indescribable photos.  Many of them are otherworldly, appearing to be from another planet to most viewers.  But our readers will clearly identify with the work as we know these animals up close.  If you are a photog or just like eye candy, be sure to check out the video.  Be sure to check out the “Most Fun You Can Have With A Pig” image, our personal favorite.

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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