Eshopps Jelly’s an International Hit

by | Jan 10, 2012 | Equipment, Fish | 0 comments

With the launch of Eshopps Asia this month came a flood of European and Asian hobbyists eager to get their hands on many of Eshopps innovative creations. Reef Aquarium accessories are such a hit, particularly the Jellyfish,  that Eshopps designer’s went into overdrive and put in long hours to come up with a newer, more ingenius aquarium “pet”. They do their job well and next month The Lionfish will hit the Asian market. An orange jellyfish will join the already popular pink and blue varieties.

Rumors are also flying about concerning the announcement of Eshopps newest piece of equipment. The Eshopps Nano Skimmer release may be announced as early as next month. It is said to be the highest quality, lowest cost and have the smallest footprint of any well known competitor skimmers built specifically for nano sized aquariums.

  • Michael D. Phelps

    I'm an 18 year old with 26 years of experience. I live in the southeast corner of South Dakota with my wife, the 3 of 7 children who still live at home, two dogs and a whole bunch of fish. I've been keeping fish prisoner in glass boxes for 37 years.

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